Any day spent quilting is a good day.

About Me

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Groveport, Ohio, United States
I have been married for 50 years. I have 6 children, 11 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandson. I am originally from Southern Ohio (Jackson) but I have spent my adult life living in Central Ohio.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Revising New Year's Resolutions

Well, I see that my New Year's resolution has already been broken. How easy it is to make but so hard to keep. Maybe I should revise the resolution to, "I will write something at least twice a month." If I can continue doing that then increase postings to once a week. I think my life is probably too boring to post something every day.

I am just finishing up sending out prizes to the winners from our OhioQuilters first Stay-at-Home Retreat (from now on to be referred to as SAHR). The retreat was a huge success and could not have been on a better weekend. The weather was terrible. It was cold and icky outside. I was more than happy to be bundled up in a my natty old sweat clothes, spending the weekend sewing. Hopefully, we can come up with a plan to continue the SAHR's on a regular basis, perhaps quarterly.

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I agree the SAHR was fun. It really sparked my quilting mojo again. I can't wait for the next physical retreat, and to spending time with you again.