Any day spent quilting is a good day.

About Me

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Groveport, Ohio, United States
I have been married for 50 years. I have 6 children, 11 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandson. I am originally from Southern Ohio (Jackson) but I have spent my adult life living in Central Ohio.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

At the Suggestion of a Friend

Sad isn't it when you have to get a nudge from a friend to write on your own blog? I was never good at keeping a diary when I was young. Then journaling became popular. When I was diagnosed with cancer five years ago I was given a journal by the JamesCare Stitching Sisters. The idea was that I should record my thoughts as I battled the cancer. I was too sick to write in that book. I ended up carrying it in my purse to make shopping notes in. It still is around somewhere.

Okay, back to the purpose of this blog -  sharing my quilting journey with my family and friends. I love to quilt but yet will use any excuse to keep from going into the basement to sew. I am going to have to come up with a better plan. The basement offers me the storage I need but I like being able to look out of the window occasionally. Can't do that in the basement.

I made four blocks this week for a mystery quilt that several of my OhioQuilter friends are working on. It is a new experience. An online quilt site is hosting this. Each month they print directions plus provide a video of two new blocks. By the end of the year I should have 24 completed 12 inch blocks. Viola - a quilt top to add to my pile. Someday they will all be completed.

Here are pictures of the four blocks I have completed.

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