Any day spent quilting is a good day.

About Me

My photo
Groveport, Ohio, United States
I have been married for 50 years. I have 6 children, 11 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandson. I am originally from Southern Ohio (Jackson) but I have spent my adult life living in Central Ohio.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

                                  Couldn't resist posting more pictures of things we did today.
                                  This was taken this morning. I guess Papa knew he needed
                                  to rest up for the rest of the day.

                                                                  Ian wore Papa out.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

We are in North Myrtle Beach this week. We found a great deal on a great condo. I love condos. They are so much better than hotels/motels (if you find good ones). Ours has three bedrooms, is right on the beach, and has an indoor pool and an outdoor pool. If anyone is interested check out They have all kinds of listings very reasonably priced.
It was nice enough and warm enough that we stayed on the beach for a good part of the afternoon. Alexie had a blast playing in the waves. Ian loved playing in the sand. He and I also played several games of tag. I am definitely feeling that now.
Are we there yet.
Killing time until the adults wake up.
To see Ian and Papa Jack playing with the train check out this YouTube site -

Ian loved standing in the mouth of the shark

Alexie enjoying the waves.

I've lost 6 pounds but more importantly my joints, particularly my knees, aren't hurting nearly as much. Before I could hardly walk at times, let alone run. For the past couple of years I would have to go downstairs by taking a step with my right leg and then bring my left foot down to the same step that my right foot was on. It took a long time to get down those stairs. It was the same thing going up. Friday, without thinking about it, I ran down the stairs to answer the phone. Not until Jeannie asked why I was out of breath did I realize what I had done.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Beautiful Day with Friends

Today was an absolutely beautiful day to spend with friends doing a Quilting 'n Cuisine Mini Shop Hop in Amish Country. Six of us left Columbus bright and early, driving to Berlin in Holmes County. Three of the quilt shops were located there, another near Mt. Hope, and my favorite, in Charm, Ohio. Having grown up on a farm in Southern Ohio, the hills of Holmes County remind me so much of home.

Our group is never too far from a meal. There are many fine restaurants in the area and we chose to eat at one of our favorites, the Der Dutchman in Walnut Creek where we met up with two more friends. Later in the afternoon another friend joined our little group for the Shop Hop Quilt Show, more food, and the chance for door prizes. Only 1 member of our group received a prize. Congratulations, Margaret.

I am still working on the new eating plan. So far, so good. It was tempting to order a meat based meal today but I thought about it and decided that the discomfort I would experience later would not be worth it. Fortunately, the menu offered a vegetable platter which I selected. I included the salad bar, even going back for seconds on the salad.

Thanks to Margaret, Deb, Mel, Denise, Sarah, Sandy, Joy, and Ann for being great stitching friends. Already looking forward to our next retreat. Most importantly, thank you Jack for being so understanding.

Now to fondle the new fabric I purchased. I might even come up with a plan to use the material in a new quilt. What a novel idea.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daniel's Fast

This week's issue of "Woman's World" featured an article about Daniel's Fast. It sounded exactly like the eating plan I had been saying I needed - eating food as close to it's natural state as God intended. Yesterday I began following the eating plan as outlined in the article. I thought I would have problems but so far, so good. Day 2 successfully completed.

For breakfast I prepared oatmeal and I love sugar but knew I couldn't add any. I was pleasantly surprised that the recipe I found on-line was very good. The recipe made 1 cup of oatmeal to which I diced up half of an apple, sprinkled a tablespoon of chopped walnuts plus added cinnamon. I used almond milk and it was very good. I didn't even miss the sugar.

I had a huge salad for lunch yesterday and for dinner a bowl of pinto beans with lots of chopped raw onions, tomatoes, and jalapenos. That is my favorite quick food ever.

Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scales this morning and saw I had lost 3 pounds - of course there were three trips to the bathroom last night. Lost a lot of fluids.

Today I again had oatmeal (something I never tire of). For lunch I stopped at El Vaqueros' and my favorite meal there - pinto beans with pico de gallo and a large salad. Water with lemon is my favorite drink when eating out. I can't justify paying $2 or more for iced tea. Dinner I stir-fried bok choy, onions, and mushrooms together using Szechuan sauce to add flavor.

For several years I considered myself vegetarian and would not eat meat. I finally caved and began eating meat again, although I ABSOLUTELY could not think about what I was chewing. If I visualized that animal it was all over - more meat on Jack's plate. Now you know why he has a weight problem. I honestly feel better and have more energy when I don't eat meat. It isn't a big deal to me to have to give it up.

My biggest worry was giving up my sweet tea. On the Daniel Fast drinking tea is discouraged although the  author has the good sense to realize that addicts like me would have severe withdrawal and suggested to ease off the caffeine. I found that I enjoyed my unsweetened ice tea with lemon almost as much as McDonald's sweet tea that I thought I had to have two of everyday (with the price of gas, McDonald's tea runs were going to end anyway). Iced water with lemon is definitely more refreshing anyway.

I'm looking forward to this new eating plan. Hopefully, I can lose the weight that seems to keep going up and up. Since Christmas, I gained 7 pounds. Not good.

If anyone is interested check out the website:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Getting Ready to Quilt

Okay, it is getting closer. I have my new quilting machine sitting on the quilt frame. I put an old quilt onto the frame and have been playing around "quilting". So far, so good. I still need to connect the stitch regulator but that looks easy; just a matter of getting the adjustment right. Hopefully, I will be able to work on a real quilt soon. I have a ton of tops just waiting.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ian Singing

I am probably boring everyone to tears but I can't help myself. My grandson is so cute and loves country music. One day he will be a great performing artist.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

At the Suggestion of a Friend

Sad isn't it when you have to get a nudge from a friend to write on your own blog? I was never good at keeping a diary when I was young. Then journaling became popular. When I was diagnosed with cancer five years ago I was given a journal by the JamesCare Stitching Sisters. The idea was that I should record my thoughts as I battled the cancer. I was too sick to write in that book. I ended up carrying it in my purse to make shopping notes in. It still is around somewhere.

Okay, back to the purpose of this blog -  sharing my quilting journey with my family and friends. I love to quilt but yet will use any excuse to keep from going into the basement to sew. I am going to have to come up with a better plan. The basement offers me the storage I need but I like being able to look out of the window occasionally. Can't do that in the basement.

I made four blocks this week for a mystery quilt that several of my OhioQuilter friends are working on. It is a new experience. An online quilt site is hosting this. Each month they print directions plus provide a video of two new blocks. By the end of the year I should have 24 completed 12 inch blocks. Viola - a quilt top to add to my pile. Someday they will all be completed.

Here are pictures of the four blocks I have completed.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Revising New Year's Resolutions

Well, I see that my New Year's resolution has already been broken. How easy it is to make but so hard to keep. Maybe I should revise the resolution to, "I will write something at least twice a month." If I can continue doing that then increase postings to once a week. I think my life is probably too boring to post something every day.

I am just finishing up sending out prizes to the winners from our OhioQuilters first Stay-at-Home Retreat (from now on to be referred to as SAHR). The retreat was a huge success and could not have been on a better weekend. The weather was terrible. It was cold and icky outside. I was more than happy to be bundled up in a my natty old sweat clothes, spending the weekend sewing. Hopefully, we can come up with a plan to continue the SAHR's on a regular basis, perhaps quarterly.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Slowly Putting Christmas Aware

I spent the day putting Christmas away. I had planned to whittle down the amount of decorations that I would store. I couldn't bring myself to do it . So many of the ornaments have sentimental value. That is what happens when you collect items for 45 years. Six large totes of decorations to tuck away in the crawl space.

I displayed 5 Christmas trees this year. To be exact two large, one inside and one outside, a medium size tree and two table top trees. I still had four trees stored in the basement that I didn't include in this year's decoration. Maybe I will use more of them next Christmas.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The Best of Intentions

Where does the time go? I can't believe it has been several months since I last posted. The Holidays have come and gone. I spent today packing the Christmas decorations away. I still have a lot to do. Hopefully, I can finish tomorrow.

 I finally have my sewing stuff in the basement but still need to organize everything. Suddenly the basement is too small to hold my supplies so I need to purge. My OhioQuilters Yahoo group is having a stay-at-home retreat January 20, 21, and 22. I am missing my quilting group and am looking forward to some girl-time plus quilting even if it means "seeing" each other online. I need to have the basement cleaned and organized before the retreat so I can post a picture of my "clean" work area.

I am looking forward to a great new year. My goal this year is to finish as many of my UFO's as possible. It is time to put them to bed (get it?).